Visitors to a famous bridge could soon have a new outlook on life, but they will have to go up in the world to enjoy it.

Listed buildings watchdog English Heritage has raised no objection to the idea of installing a glass lift on Middlesbrough's 91-year-old Transporter Bridge.

Regeneration Minister Lord Falconer was told about the proposal to have a lift taking tourists up the bridge's full 225ft height, on a visit to the town.

He was in Middlesbrough to announce a £36m spending package for the Middlehaven redevelopment which is overlooked by the 'Old Lady of the Tees.'

The Tees Valley Development Company commissioned and has received a consultants' feasibility or scoping study into development options for the bridge.

The idea of a glass lift was conceived by the Erimus Rotary Club of Middlesbrough and may yet get world widewide backing.

Rotarian and river pilot Geoff Taylor is proposing to use his and the rotary's global links to recruit the fund raising potential of towns and cities around the world who have famous bridges - some of them forged on Teesside.

Last year the rotarians organised a walk for charities over the Transporter, hoping to raise £2,500. The climb up the steps of the bridge and along its top, raised a staggering £20,000.

Middlesbrough Council said it looked forward to future discussions with Middlesbrough rotary over the "very exciting" ideas raised in the scoping report.