A SERVICE for disabled people, which faced cutbacks because of a funding shortage, is to receive a cash boost from Darlington Borough Council.

Darlington's Shopmobility scheme, which was set up by the borough council and Darlington Association on Disability in 1993, has 2,300 members.

The scheme has six electric wheelchairs, six electric scooters and ten manual wheelchairs, which disabled shoppers can use without charge when visiting the town.

Darlington council has announced that its funding for Shopmobility for 2002/3 is to be increased from £29,000 to £32,000.

In addition, the council will continue to allow the organisation rent-free use of its Horsemarket premises, which is worth £15,000 a year.

Shopmobility will also receive an additional £5,000 from the council's Local Transport Plan (LTP) fund, towards the cost of new equipment.

Darlington council leader, Councillor John Williams, said "The success of Shopmobility in Darlington is something we are all very proud of. Membership of the scheme is growing, which means more and more disabled people now have access to our town centre."

Shopmobility manager Chris Thwaites said: "We are in a very strong position compared with other Shopmobility schemes in the region.

"We have a service level agreement with the council until March 2004, we have excellent premises, and the extra £5,000 from the LTP, on top of our budget increase, means we can invest in more equipment."