AN enterprise centre has been recognised for its success by being given £262,000 in two years.

The Bridge Enterprise Centre, in South Stanley, was opened by the Bungalows Residents' and Neighbourhood Watch Association in a bungalow leased from Derwentside District Council, in June 1999.

With the council's help, the group received European funding, enabling it to set up a small training and information service, from January 2000.

Its latest donation, of £116,000, has been announced by the Lotteries Board.

In the past two years, the centre's services have multiplied to include courses, advice on benefits, CVs and legal matters, and surgeries with police, local councillors, housing officers and benefits agencies.

To accommodate them, it had expanded into a property next door, which will have its official opening soon.

Carol Howdon, a community enterprise worker at the Bridge Enterprise Centre, said it had become invaluable to the community.

"We have had more than 4,000 people using the centre in a year and more than 1,200 have enrolled on courses," she said.

The centre aims to raise job prospects in South Stanley, which is in the top ten per cent of the country's most deprived areas.

Ms Howdon said: "I feel that over the past year, we have satisfied the funders that there's a real need for this, and that what we are doing is having some benefit.

"The centre is raising people's expectations and promoting community spirit, as people can start addressing issues like vandalism by being part of a community group.

"We are thrilled with our success so far."

Local people who have yet to get involved can go to the centre, at 17-19 Keir Hardie Avenue, or ring (01207) 283474.