ANGLERS banned from pier fishing are hoping to secure councillors' help following a public meeting.

The Seaham Angling Club and members of the public were banned from using Seaham's North Pier from January 1.

According to the Seaham Harbour Dock Company, which is enforcing the measure, it was left with no other option under its relocation to make way for a multi-million pound redevelopment project.

However, members of the angling club, which has fished from North Pier for 90 years, said the ban was unfair, and drew up a petition against it.

The club sought legal advice in overturning it, and appealed to Seaham Town Council, Easington District Council, Durham County Council and Easington MP John Cummings for support.

At a meeting organised by the town council, last Thursday, about 500 people heard suggestions for the pier's future.

Among proposals put forward by councillors, anglers and residents were: making representations to Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, looking into rights of way, holding a public inquiry and exploring the option of buying fishing rights.

While Durham County Council ruled out the possibility of it taking over the pier, the angling club remains hopeful of the town council's intervention.

Committee member Ray Harris said: "We are waiting for another meeting with the town council, and we will see what they are going to propose.

"We are hoping that by the end of the week, we will know what the council will do for us."

Mr Harris said the club had been encouraged by the town council's support so far and said: "We think this is the only way forward because we don't think the Dock Company will be moved without council involvement."