A SERIES of fun events has been planned to raise morale among farmers.

The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution in North Yorkshire is organising the events and the first is a social evening in Masham Town Hall on Saturday, February 23, at 8pm.

It will be an opportunity for people to meet and chat while having some supper, which is included in the £5 ticket. There will be a quiet disco by Steve Wilkinson and a bar. Tickets are obtainable from Broadley's Insurance, Masham, or phone Shirley Percy on 01677 460039

An evening of music and entertainment takes place at Burton Agnes Hall on March 1 with the Southwold Singers, followed by wine and a light supper, starting at 7.30. Tickets are £7 from Andrew Scott on 01377-253208.

Basil Bosomworth of Farm-acc, Northallerton is arranging a Survivors' Ball at the Scotch Corner Hotel next Friday, starting at 7.30. Tickets are available from Farmacc on 01609-774012.

Canon Brian Abell, county chairman of RABI, said: "We wanted to do something just to give some pleasure and the chance to get together. We would like to encourage anybody who feels like organising any other events to do so."

The problems were not over and many people would need help and support in the future. RABI, with a number of other agencies, was ready to help.