ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD Lewis Brown had to endure eight operations before the age of nine to deal with problems associated with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

But his strength of character has helped him overcome his conditions and rank as an equal among his peers.

Teacher Sonia Humble, of Newcastle's Chapel House Middle School, who taught Lewis last year, said: "He has grown into an independent, determined and confident young man, who has achieved level four in his key stage two Sats in English and science.

"This is a tremendous achievement for a boy born with his particular problems. He is so determined. He won't let anything get in his way."

Ms Humble said his feistiness was displayed when he took part in football trials last year, despite the fact he cannot walk without splints.

She said: "To see him running around the field with the other boys almost brought me to tears."

Lewis's mother, Jennifer Brown, of Chapel Park, Newcastle, said: "He never complains and has a lovely personality. He is a born fighter and lets nothing stand in his way, despite his problems.

"He is Newcastle United's number one fan and attended a school coaching programme with the club."