A BUS driver was left shaken but unhurt after the windscreen of his vehicle was blasted with a shotgun.

Police believe Saturday night's shooting may have been a random attack and have no clues as to the motive.

The shooting happened in Huntington Road, in York.

The driver reported hearing a sharp crack and discovered the damage to the windows and destination blind when he got out to examine the First York vehicle at his next stop.

A more detailed forensic examination of the bus was carried out by police.

A spokesman for the North Yorkshire force confirmed no one else was injured in the incident, but condemned whoever was responsible.

"Firing a deadly weapon is always a cause for concern but to fire one at moving traffic defies belief," he said.

Officers investigating the incident are keen to trace a group of youths the driver remembers passing close to Huntington Road's junction with Bell Farm Avenue, just before he heard the shot.

Police have emphasised they are not necessarily suspects, but may have seen or heard something which could help track down those responsible.

A group of elderly people standing outside a nearby pub have also been asked to come forward.

Anyone who can help is asked to telephone (01904) 631321 or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555111.