THE family of a baby born with a badly disfigured face said last night she was doing fine following a "medical investigation".

The case of 14-week-old Maria Aziz Al-Rafi hit the headlines earlier this month after a clash of opinions between parents and doctors spilled into the law courts.

An emergency police protection order was granted to stop the parents taking their child from Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary.

Medical experts said the 12-week-old needed an urgent tracheotomy to open her airways, which were severely damaged by a rare disorder.

Following a legal wrangle, Maria's parents Suzanne Taylor and Aziz Rafi agreed that doctors could carry out immediate treatment to assist their baby's breathing.

The child's grandfather, John Taylor, said last night: "A medical investigation has been carried out and the child is doing fine."

Maria, who has Goldenhar's Syndrome, was taken to the Newcastle hospital when she arrived from Saudi Arabia three weeks ago.

A further hearing into the case will be held at the Family Division of the High Court sitting at Leeds, on Monday.