BABIES are bonding that much closer with their mothers with the help of the gentle art of massage.

A course in baby massage has been added to the curriculum at mother and toddler group Sure Start Centre, in Joicey Gardens, Stanley.

The classes, taught by Ann Ball, give parents the chance to learn techniques which benefit both parent and child by helping sleep and relaxation.

It is also said to help relieve colic, wind and constipation.

Because of the overwhelming interest from parents in a four-week course, Sure Start plans to offer it again.

Ms Ball said: "The response has been quite remarkable. All the mothers that have attended the course have been so willing to learn, and have obviously enjoyed it. The atmosphere in the room, when we are giving the babies a massage, is so relaxing and calming, the mothers benefit from it as much as the babies."

For details call (01207) 232048.