A JOB creation team has a new weapon in its quest to get people back into employment - a 29ft mobile office nicknamed the Action Van.

The van, already attracting attention in the Chester-le-Street area, has been touring the district in an effort to improve on the 400 local people who were provided with training and job opportunities last year.

Driven by team members, the van has taken to the road with advisors whose job it is provide fresh solutions to help people back to work.

A spokesman for the JobCentre Plus network, which funds the team and its van, said: "The team's contribution has been so well received in the community that it is now taking to the road in a purpose-built mobile office to help even more people in the area.

"The team's friendly, informal approach has been matched only by their enthusiasm to help their clients succeed.

"So when you see the mobile office in your neighbourhood make sure you drop in and have a chat, particularly if you or a member of your family is jobless and looking to get into employment."

If you require more details about the Action Team, contact 0800 0855068.