A college teacher is leaving his position to take up a senior post at a new sporting centre of excellence.

Andy West, lifelong learning manager at Northallerton College, is joining King's Manor School at Acklam, on Teesside, as community and sports development director and assistant headteacher.

He is the first holder of the position at the 1,100-pupil school, which became a designated sports college for the 11 to 16 age group last September.

"The job will make good use of my ten years' experience as a PE teacher, together with the development and administrative experience I gained as lifelong learning manager in the last three years. I'm looking forward to it very much," said Mr West.

"About 70 per cent of my time will be spent in senior management, focusing on sport and community development, as well as helping to develop an alternative curriculum. The other 30 per cent will be spent teaching PE."