ARTWORK by pupils at a Stockton school should go far.

A design created by youngsters at Whitehouse Primary School is being seen by motorists around the region after Stiller Transport asked them to come up with a picture for the back of one of its tankers.

The design of animals in a jungle setting was the result of a lot of hard work and imagination by the children.

Dan Wilcox, Stiller's tanker operations manager, said yesterday that the design had certainly brightened up the vehicle.

The request was part of the group's increasing involvement in community initiatives.

"Hopefully, the kids will see the tanker on local runs and they can take some pride in pointing out it was their design," said Mr Wilcox.

As a thank-you to the young artists, Stiller has made a financial contribution to the school and a framed picture of the unveiling ceremony is on its way to the assembly hall.