DRAMA students from the college will be taking part in three hard-hitting plays on Wednesday, April 10.

Top Girls, written by Caryl Churchill, is set in the 1980s and focuses on the struggle of women against depression. It follows the career of Marlene who leaves her daughter to be raised by her sister.

This play includes historical and fictional woman who have achieved great things.

Ficky Stingers, performed by year 12 pupils, concentrates on men and women's differing attitudes to rape.

This drama, with a very serious message, is written by Eve Lewis.

Medea is based on a story about a woman who is forced to murder her own children. This traditional piece of Greek theatre, performed by year 13 students, is written by Euripides.

All three plays should prove entertaining for audiences and exciting and challenging for the performers.

We wish the students every success.