AN appeal has gone out to residents and businesses to demonstrate their pride in Hartlepool by supporting a major clean-up campaign.

They are being urged to do their bit to make the town a cleaner place by organising events as part of Spring Clean Hartlepool, a month-long blitz on litter and other rubbish.

Co-ordinated by Hartlepool Borough Council's Pride in Hartlepool campaign, the clean-up will run throughout April with the aim of promoting a united front in the continuing battle to improve the local environment.

Andrea Bishop, Pride in Hartlepool officer, said: "By pulling together and working towards a common goal we can really have an impact on the town's appearance.

"We're not asking for a huge commitment from people. It may simply be a case of a group of neighbours adopting a small area of land near their homes and keeping it clean, or organising a litter pick.

"The town's image has undergone a dramatic improvement in recent times, but we should be aiming to build on that and not resting on our laurels."

Pride in Hartlepool, which is supported by local recycling firm SWS, is able to offer groups staging clean-ups some practical help in the shape of gloves, black sacks and litter pickers.

For more details, contact Ms Bishop on (01429) 523793.