POLICE are urging householders to step up security to stop burglars breaking into garages and sheds.

Gerry McBride, crime prevention officer with Cleveland Police, said that at this time of year thieves were always on the lookout for easy pickings.

"The next three months will see a marked increase in the number of shed and garage break-ins. More than 2,000 will be reported in Cleveland alone," he said.

"We tend to think about security for our homes or cars but often overlook the garage or shed, yet we keep a lot of valuables in there. Don't make it easy for thieves."

The force is advising people to keep gardening equipment out of sight and to use permanent markers to postcode valuables and garden furniture.

Police have also suggested planting prickly bushes underneath windows and buying an alarm for garages and sheds.

More crime-busting tips are available to residents on the website www.askjoandgerry.com