Rocky a ginger tomcat astonished vets by surviving being thrown 100ft down a cliff by thugs.

The cat was found wedged between rocks on the edge of the North Sea when his pathetic cries were heard by walkers near Ryhope, Sunderland.

The RSPCA were called and he was taken to a vet where he was found to have a broken leg and pelvis.

Officer Dave Dawson, who was called out to rescue Rocky, said: "It was only good luck that this poor cat was discovered.

"Whoever threw that animal off the cliff intended it to die, but the cat survived the fall and lay in agony for hours before he was found and taken to safety.

"I cannot understand why somebody would do something as cruel and heartless as this." Now Alison Preston, of Durham, is to give Rocky a new home.

She said: "He has had two escapes rolled into one. It is amazing he survived the fall and then he only just missed being washed away.

"I am looking forward to bringing him home so that he can enjoy the some of the affection he has obviously been missing.

"I can't understand how anyone could be so cruel and callous to a defenceless animal. It defies belief."

Staff at Blythman's vets in Gosforth, Newcastle, said his injuries would quickly heal.