AN attack victim who is now afraid to leave her home after dark has appealed for help to catch her assailant.

The 30-year-old woman from Evenwood, near Bishop Auckland, was left bruised and shocked by a mugger who tried to snatch her purse as she walked home on Friday night.

She relived her ordeal for police yesterday and helped them compile an e-fit of the man, who had a chipped front tooth.

The victim has asked for her identity to be kept secret.

She said: "I hope people will help find him and not keep him hidden, because I want him caught.

"I daren't go out at night since it happened. I won't feel safe until he is found."

The attacked happened at about 11pm in Shirley Terrace. The man grabbed her from behind and demanded her purse before punching her in the face when she refused.

He ran off when she struck him after he asked for her purse a second time.

She said yesterday: "I have a black eye and a bruises on the right side of my face. It was a shock. There was nobody else in the street to help."

The man was 6ft tall, white, stockily built and aged between 30 and 40.

He had dark, cropped hair, a chipped front tooth, and was clean shaven. He wore black clothing and a gold signet ring.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Bishop Auckland CID on (01388) 603566.