A SERVICE enabling allotment holders in Ferryhill to get rid of their rubbish could be in jeopardy after asbestos was found dumped in a skip.

Every year Ferryhill Town Council places skips on each of the seven allotment sites it manages.

The scheme allows gardeners to dispose of the waste they cannot recycle, but this year at least two of them have been filled up with non-allotment rubbish.

Household waste and old tyres have been found dumped in two skips and, more worryingly, sheets of asbestos have been found in the skip at the Paxton Street site, near Ferryhill Comprehensive School.

Although the asbestos is not believed to be hazardous to health, it could cost the council hundreds of pounds to remove it.

The authority's executive officer, Jamie Corrigan, said: "This is to help the allotment holders get rid of non-recyclable waste really.

"It is apparent the allotment holders are not benefiting from the skips when they are not getting filled up with their rubbish.

"When we have potentially hazardous substances there, that is a different kettle of fish altogether.

"We are going to have to get a specialist company to dispose of it and it is going to cost us.

"It jeopardises the future of us providing skips once a year on these sites."

The firm which deals with the skips on behalf of the council has taken them away, except for the one with the asbestos sheets in.

Removal of the asbestos will take time, red tape and expense because of complex Government rules controlling disposal of that type of material, even if there is little danger associated with it.

Mr Corrigan said: "It puts everything in jeopardy for next year because of the cost it is going to incur to us to get rid of asbestos.

"If anyone knows of anybody who has recently removed asbestos sheets, we would like to speak to them about it."

Anyone with information about the asbestos dumped in the skip is asked to contact Ferryhill Town Council on (01740) 652157