A CELEBRATION of an improvement in Craghead will take place today.

To mark the completion of the first phase of a £10,000 project to develop Craghead Community Park, a mini-fair will take place at the park today, between 2pm and 4pm. There will be face-painting, kite-making and shrub-planting at the event. The work was made possible thanks to grants from Barclays Bank, the European Development Fund and the Government's Single Regeneration Budget.

AFRICAN SOUNDS: The music of Africa will be brought to Durham tomorrow when the Rhythms and Routes Tour, featuring musicians and dancers from across the continent, performs at the city's Gala Theatre. For ticket details, call the box office on 0191-332 4041.

COMPUTER TASTER: People can find out how to use computers when an introductory session, led by a tutor from New College Durham, is held on Monday in the digital media suite at Durham Clayport Library, in the city's Millennium City complex, Claypath, between 9.30am and 12.30pm. The event, which is aimed at all ages, is free.

VILLAGE ADVICE: Durham Citizens' Advice Bureau is holding one of its regular village outreach sessions on Monday at Kelloe Community Association, between 11am and noon. People can get free advice on a wide range of subjects.

EXTENSION BID: Durham City Council is being asked to grant planning permission for a single-storey pitched roof extension at the rear of a house in The Grove, in the North End area of the city.

WI MEETING: Peterlee Women's Institute will hold its next meeting on Monday, May 13, at St Cuthbert's Church Hall, Manor Way, Peterlee, starting at 2pm. For further information about the institute and its activities, contact 0191-586 8718.

HOUSE PLAN: Derwentside District Council's development control committee will be recommended on Thursday to grant planning permission for a house to be built to the north of Croft Terrace, New Kyo, near Stanley.

COUNCIL SURGERY: Durham city and Durham county councillors for the Gilesgate and Pelaw wards of Durham will hold a surgery in the Communal Hall, Cunningham Place, on April 20, between 10am and 11am.

NEW OFFICE: Durham County Council is looking to site a temporary office for its social services community health team near the Old School House, Chester Road, Stanley, while it seeks permanent accommodation. Derwentside district councillors will be recommended to raise no objection on Thursday.

BUREAU MOVES: Durham Citizens' Advice Bureau has moved its main office from Ruth First House, Claypath, to premises next to Durham Clayport Library, in the city's Millennium City complex.