Darlington captain Craig Liddle was the main attraction on Saturday afternoon and he didn't disappoint as he turned in yet another man of the match display against Scunthorpe.

His future at the club in doubt as chairman George Reynolds wants the fans' favourite to accept a pay cut or leave on a free transfer this summer, so supporters demonstrated their feelings very clearly.

There was no doubting as to who the fans were behind on this issue as the hundreds of posters demonstrated while there were several "One Craig Liddle" chants throughout the game.

Internet site www.darlofc.co.uk had helped instigate the public support for Liddle who admitted he had been told to expect some backing from the crowd, but didn't expect something so pre-meditated as posters and banners.

"To be honest, it was a little bit emotional and will be again on Monday night - if it is my last game," said Liddle.

"A few people had mentioned something might happen but the reception I got was great and it was nice that my family was there to see it.

"It means a lot that the fans think so much of me."

Having been a Darlington regular since signing from Middlesbrough in 1998, Liddle would prefer to stay at the club but says the situation is out of his hands.

He said: "If it was down to me, I'd stay, but you don't know what's going to happen in the summer.

"I've got two years left on my contract and if the club want me to see the two years out I will.

"I'm more than happy to stay here, I love the club, but whether I stay or not has got nothing to do with me."

*l After winning 2-0 at Carlisle on Saturday Plymouth will take the Division Three championship with victory at Feethams tonight, and 1,500 away fans are expected in the South Terrace.

Plymouth contacted Feethams on Saturday evening to inform Darlington and, like Saturday, South Terrace season-ticket holders will be in the West Stand.

Fans are requested to exchange their tickets at the club today if possible and fans using the West Stand must enter Feethams via the cricket pitch.