STEPS are being taken to reduce the high levels of domestic violence in Sedgefield.

Sedgefield Borough Council is to employ a domestic violence co-ordinator to help tackle the growing problem.

The borough suffers the highest levels of reported incidents of domestic violence in the country, which is compounded by the lack of any support structure for victims.

A report to the council's executive committee on Thursday says that domestic violence has been identified as a worsening problem and has been selected by the Community Safety Partnership as a priority.

The report said: "The first, essential step in providing an impetus for action would be the employment of a dedicated domestic violence co-ordinator."

Aims of the project include identifying, responding to and supporting victims of domestic violence, and identifying funding opportunities to develop a network of volunteers to provide victim support.

Other objectives are to identify people at risk and address repeat victimisation, organise training events and research, and access funding to improve support services.

The co-ordinator would be recruited and employed by Sedgefield Borough Council on a two-year contract, based at the Chilton depot.

If approved, it is hoped an appointment can be made by the end of the month or the beginning of May.