A train driver was forced to make an emergency stop after almost hitting two teenagers inside a tunnel.

The freight train was travelling through Grinkle Tunnel, between Easington and Loftus, east Cleveland, on Monday (April 22) afternoon when the driver spotted the boys.

He slammed on the brakes and then saw the youngsters run out of the tunnel, at the Loftus end, and into nearby fields.

PC Geoffrey Ellis, of British Transport Police, said: "There's a speed restriction in the tunnel of 15mph so the driver was going fairly slowly which is probably just as well.

"He saw a shadow cross in front of him, then moments later a second shadow went in front. He could have sworn blind he had hit the second one."

Police and fire services were called out to conduct a thorough search of the tunnel. "We weren't sure whether there was two or three of them so there was a full emergency call out. Thank god, the search was negative," said PC Ellis.

The youths were both about 15; one was wearing a white sweatshirt and the other a pale blue sweatshirt.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call British Transport Police on 0800 405040.