Jubilee plans dealt blow

ONLY 12 people attended the meeting to discuss the village's plans for the Queen's Golden Jubilee. It was agreed to look into the possibility of buying commemorative mugs for the under-11s. Only one donation, from the Parochial Church Council, had been received so, regrettably, the idea has been shelved. The council decided to purchase a bench with a plaque and place it in the High Street, near the Post Office.

TRANSPORT SURVEY: A rural transport survey in the parish has found that a high proportion of people over 60 have never used the bus or train and that 20 per cent would use public transport if it was available on a more regular basis. One of the main barriers was lack of public transport for leisure activities, access to Northallerton College and work. There was also a need for late night services between the village and Darlington, Richmond and the Garrison. The information from this and five other surveys will be collated and analysed.

FIGURES EXPLAINED: A letter was received from a member of the public complaining about the increase in the parish precept. A reply was sent inviting him to attend the annual parish meeting when the figures will be explained.