Memorial site help offer

MORE offers of help have come in for the council's scheme to tidy up the war memorial site. Following a £50 donation towards the work from a local firm, an allotment representative has sent £20. Two women have also written saying they would not only be happy to help out with the work but also suggested setting up a committee to work through the project. Councillors agreed this would be a good idea and the proposal will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

NEWSLETTER PAY-OFF: There has been good feedback to the council newsletter, with most comments being made on the Bus Green Route and road safety. A consultant on the green route is now to attend the council meeting on May 16 to discuss the scheme's performance in the year since it was launched.

FUNDS LACKING: Members decided they can not take any action about upgrading work on an unadopted road at Cleveland Gardens. Councillors were told that the work could cost about £12,000, but that no funds were available at present.