Loos talk lined up

IN advance of a report of public toilets in the town centre, it was agreed to ask Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's assistant director of environmental services, Mike Hardman, to talk to the council on the issue. There has been disquiet since the Northgate toilets were closed, and councillors have frequently campaigned for the facility to be restored. It was agreed that when Mr Hardman attends, debate is widened to include the question of toilets in public buildings, such as shops. A report which Mr Hardman is compiling on the situation will also be discussed.

YOUTHS PROBLEM: Action is to be taken about large numbers of youths gathering behind Sunnyfield House. Councillor Keith Pudney said the area was being turned into "an adventure playground". He said: "We need to consider action which would deter them from using that area, such as better lighting." The issue is to be referred to the Sunnyfield House Committee.

MOORSBUS DETAILS: The council is to advertise details of the North York Moors Moorsbus service for the summer season. Most services in the national park started on March 29, with a full network as from May 5. Fares range from 50p single to £2.50 for all-day travel within the area.

LIFT COSTS: Installing a lift in Sunnyfield House will cost between £30,000 and £35,000. Coun Dave Punshon said this could only be achieved through a fundraising group able to access grants. All users of Sunnyfield House are to be invited to form such a group.

JUBILEE PLANS: The social and entertainments committee is to discuss celebrations for the Queen's Golden Jubilee, including a 1952 display in Sunnyfield House.