A NORTH-EAST opticians has scored the highest marks in a national customer survey, beating off competition from 450 other stores across the country.

The accolade comes as the store, Specsavers opticians, in North Road, Durham City, announced it would be replacing a pensioner's glasses for free after she was the victim of a mugging in the city.

Doris Douglas was knocked to the ground for £20.

The 89-year-old was set upon by two men in Lawson Terrace, only yards from her home, about a week ago. They snatched her shopping bag, containing £20, and she fell to the ground, suffering cuts and bruises, and breaking her glasses in the fall.

Manager Gary Summers said: "She was in the store today and placed an order for new glasses, and so we're going to give her a pair of £120 glasses for free."

A man was arrested in connection with the mugging, but later released without charge.