A CONMAN involved in a stolen credit card scam has admitted a string of dishonesty charges.

Darren Coomber, 27, of Pickhurst Square, Sunderland, used the cards to make purchases from supermarkets on Wearside and to withdraw cash. He admitted several charges of dishonesty during a short hearing at

Newcastle Crown Court yesterday. Judge John Milford remanded Coomber in custody and he will be sentenced in three weeks, after the preparation of reports.

PAIN GROUP: The Durham branch of Action on Pain will hold a meeting in Committee Room 3a, County Hall, Durham, on Tuesday, May 7, at 7pm. Nicky Springford, clinical psychologist in the pain clinic at the University Hospital of North Durham, will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome.

COFFEE MORNING: The Friends of Derwentside Hospitals will hold a coffee morning at Consett Methodist Church Hall on Saturday, May 11, from 10am to noon. There will be a cake stall and bring-and-buy sale. Tickets cost 50p at the door. The group will also hold its annual meeting at 6pm, on Wednesday, May 15 at the post graduate room, at Shotley Bridge Hospital. The public are welcome.

SUMMER SCHOOL: A free, one-day summer school aimed at mature students considering an Access to Higher Education course is taking place at the St Cuthbert's Society, Durham University, on Wednesday, July 3. It will offer information on study opportunities at all North-East universities. For further information, contact Mike Wood on 0191-375 4101.

Valley walk: A three-mile walk through the Deerness Valley and the footpaths of Broompark and Ushaw Moor will be held on Sunday, at 11am, from the car park at the Deerness Leisure Centre, The free walk is part of the Footsteps to Fitness programme organised by the Durham and Chester-le-Street Lifestyle Initiative.

Basket demonstration: Gary Hillery, a horticulture course instructor at Durham's Finchale Training College, will give a demonstration on hanging baskets and container planting at the college on Sunday, May 12 from 11am to 3pm.

Pony Club: The DJs of the Pony Club will be playing world sounds, including Latin, funk and reggae, in the Stable Bar of the Beamish Mary Inn at No Place, near Stanley, on Friday, from 7.30pm. For details call the pub on 0191-370 0237.

ANNUAL MEETING: The Durham and District Branch of the RSPCA will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, May 14, at 7.30pm, at St Nicholas Church Hall, Market Place, Durham. The speaker will be Maggie Eden, manager of the RSPCA's new animal centre at Fell Edge, Plawsworth.

PRAISE EVENING: A praise evening will be held on Sunday at St John's Church, Nevilles Cross, Durham, from 6.30pm. Everyone will be welcome to attend