MEASURES to tackle traffic congestion in a Wensleydale market town are to go on show to the public.

Hawes and High Abbotside Parish Council will be the first to have a glimpse of the highway authority's proposals on Monday, May 13.

North Yorkshire County Council's Richmondshire area committee agreed on Monday that an open meeting will be held at a later date to give the wider public a chance to have its say.

The main issue is the westbound one-way section through the town centre; options include creating a 20mph zone or pedestrianising the area to all but essential traffic.

Around 30 other short and medium-term possibilities have been tabled, including "gateway'' arrangements at the entrances to the town, footpath improvements, more facilities for cyclists, dropped kerbs and improved arrangements for bus passengers.

The committee also agreed a special meeting to study traffic in Richmond where a management strategy has not yet been confirmed.

Public consultation will follow in July and August with the findings reported back to the county council's Richmondshire area committee in October.