THOSE who look after adults with learning difficulties belong to one of the least recognised branches of the caring professions.

It is not glamorous and funding for anything other than basic facilities is often hard to come by. So the work of the Chopsticks charity in Northallerton over the past eight years is highly laudable.

Started by a local Mencap centre worker, the project has grown rapidly, providing valuable, life-improving work for people whom the normal world of work would be almost impossible to participate in.

If Chopsticks did not exist, most of its 35 trainees would be condemned to a life of relative inactivity, trapped in a vicious circle of non-achievement and low self-esteem. The work they do at their inadequate premises in Springwell Lane truly transform their lives. Anybody who has the chance to talk to the trainees will realise this.

The Darlington & Stockton Times is pleased to be able to play its part in assisting the work of Chopsticks in publicising its appeal for £850,000. This money will make a huge difference to what the charity and its workers and supporters can do in offering opportunities to the vulnerable while making a contribution to recycling efforts in the local area.

It is a great deal of money, but the people of Northallerton and district have shown themselves to be remarkably adept at raising sums like this, and larger ones, for good causes close to home. We hope readers will resist the temptation to think of this as yet another charity plea among so many others and do their bit, however small