A MAN was locked up for two years yesterday after he admitting being involved in a string of burglaries.

Kevin Howe, 18, of Cranick Street, Bishop Auckland, admitted two charges of burglary, one of theft and one of breach of a conditional discharge, when he appeared at Teesside Crown Court.

Howe also asked for four other burglaries to be taken into consideration by the judge.

Peter Sabiston, prosecuting, told the court that Howe stole £20 from the Total petrol station in Bishop Auckland on December 26.

He said Howe then acted as look-out during a house burglary in Warder Terrace on February 2, and was given a pair of binoculars stolen from the property as payment.

He was caught when he tried to sell them to a local shop to fund his heroin habit.

Five days later, Howe was involved in a burglary, again in Bishop Auckland, and stole a bike worth £499.

Richard Turton, for Howe, said he appeared to have some potential and had shown aptitude for agricultural work.

He said Howe was keen to change his ways and was taking steps to do so.

Judge George Moorhouse sentenced Howe to two years in a young offenders' institution.