A NEW mental health unit in County Durham named after the late Queen Mother's family has been officially opened.

Health Secretary and Darlington MP Alan Milburn performed the ceremony at the £4m Bowes Lyon Unit, Earls House Hospital, Durham City.

It was attended by the Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne who was representing the Bowes Lyon family.

The unit, run by the County Durham and Darlington Priority Services Trust, is aimed at pensioners with mental illnesses and has two wards, each with 15 single rooms.

There are also 25 day care places, outpatient clinics, various therapy rooms, gardens and courtyards.

Jo Turnbull, acting chairman of County Durham and Darlington Priority Services Trust, said: "The Bowes Lyon family has strong connections with County Durham and we were delighted that the family gave us permission to use their name, especially at this time.

"The Bowes Lyon Unit is the first major building project for modernising health services in the area for over 20 years.

"The new unit is the first major building project for modernising mental health services for users and carers across County Durham and Darlington.'