Accused "body in the suitcase" killer Kyu Soo Kim denied two charges of murder when he appeared at the Old Bailey today.

Kim, 30, pleaded not guilty to the killing of Hyo Jung Jin, a 21 -year-old South Korean whose gagged body was found in a case near York last November.

Speaking through an interpreter, Kim also denied the murder of another Korean student 22-year-old In Hea Song.

Both women had lived at Kim's address in Eagle Street, Holborn, but were not known to each other.

Miss Jin, who was studying French at Lyon University, was last seen boarding a coach at Victoria station bound for Yorkshire on November 17.

Miss Song, who was last living at an address in Augusta Street, Poplar, east London vanished on December 8 and was found asphyxiated. Korean student Kim was remanded in custody to appear back before the court on June 17.

His trial is scheduled for September 30.