A SHELTERED housing centre in Darlington is to have a £1.5m revamp that will improve life for residents.

Dalkeith House, off Tees Grange Avenue, is to be transformed into an "extra care" sheltered housing facility

The extra care concept has been developed to meet the needs of older people, who are living longer and want to live more independently.

Thirty units at Dalkeith House that still have shared bathroom facilities will be transformed into spacious and fully accessible living accommodation designed to meet fully the needs of older people.

There will be increased space and access between, as well as within, rooms, and space for carer help if and when it is necessary.

Features of the improvements will include glazing on doors, door symbols, removable cupboard doors and paint colours chosen to help differentiate between the front and other doors and walls.

The remaining ten units at Dalkeith House will also be modernised with updated kitchens and bathrooms.

The Government's Care in the Community programme aims to provide extra care to people living in their own homes or sheltered accommodation without the need to go into residential care.

In addition to living accommodation, Dalkeith House will provide a range of facilities on site for residents and other older people living nearby.

A cafe-restaurant is being considered, as well as a mini resource centre where computers can be used. There will also be a hairdressing facility on site, exercise room and spa bath, lounge area and other communal rooms, where social activities can take place.

The communal facilities will be linked by an arcade with a sitting and coffee area.

The scheme is expected to be the first of a number of schemes to win approval.

Over the next four years a further three extra care schemes will be considered and hopefully introduced, Darlington Borough Council said.

Councillor Paul Baldwin, the authority's cabinet member for housing, said: "This is an innovative scheme designed to enable people to live more independently in their own homes for longer.

"Improving the quality of older people's lives is just as important as improving the quality of their homes."