THE leader of Sunderland City Council has expressed his disappointment at being ousted by Labour Party colleagues.

In a vote involving all 62 members of the council's Labour group on Saturday, Councillor Bob Symonds, who represents Town End Farm, succeeded in his challenge to Councillor Colin Anderson's leadership.

As the new leader of the ruling Labour Group, Coun Symonds, who was "substantially endorsed" by his colleagues, is expected to take over as leader of the full council at its annual general meeting later this month.

Coun Anderson, who has served as a councillor for 30 years, and as Sunderland council's leader for three, last night expressed his shock at being rejected. "I didn't expect to be challenged," he said.

"Obviously the group was disappointed in me and I'm disappointed that it was disappointed."

Coun Anderson said he was reviewing his options, and might return to working for the Employment Service, where he was formerly an employment manager, based in Felling.

But he said it was unlikely that he would give up politics, and pledged to work with the new leader.

"I'll still continue with the council, and I'll throw my weight behind Bob," he said.

"I've had a wonderful three years and I'm sure the group will go from strength to strength."

Coun Symonds said that with the cabinet being downscaled, he thought the time was right to mount a leadership challenge.

He said: "I hope to continue developing the city and I believe we need to listen to people and consult with them.