A life-saving scheme has been launched to offer support to the ambulance service covering Weardale villages.

Four teams of first responders, volunteers trained to offer on-the-spot healthcare, have been formed to administer aid while an ambulance travels to the scene.

The team covering Wolsingham went into operation last week and three others - serving Stanhope and Frosterley, Rookhope and Eastgate and Westgate and the western dales - will follow soon.

St John's Chapel is the nearest ambulance base for much of Weardale and it can take more than 20 minutes to respond to an emergency call.

If ambulance controllers decide that a patient believed to be suffering from cardiac arrest or a heart attack would benefit from immediate treatment, volunteers can be called to attend.

They are trained to resuscitate unconscious patients and, if necessary, use reviving machines to restart their hearts.

Matthew Hackett, a GP at Stanhope Health Centre, said: "People have been very supportive of the scheme. Around six volunteers are already trained for each area.

"Ambulance staff have been tremendous, training people in their spare time, and a British Heart Foundation grant for equipment and support from community group Weardale Partnership have made it possible.

"Occasions to call on their services may be rare, but these important volunteers really could save lives."

Colin Cessford, director of clinical standards and quality for the North-East Ambulance Service, said: "We have a limited number of traditional resources in the Weardale area.

"The first responder schemes are very valuable, seconds count in treating a patient, and they can arrive on the scene before the paramedic crew and are able to give appropriate treatment."

Dr Hackett would like more people to get involved.

He said: "With more volunteers, the scheme could offer even better support and put less pressure on first responders."

An official launch event will be held on Saturday, in Stanhope Church Hall, at 11am, when BBC Look North presenter Wendy Gibson will be present.

For details visit the launch or call Stanhope Health Centre on (01388) 5528555.