A MARKET town is aiming to re-establish its niche on the tourist trail and as a commercial centre - with the help of its own professional ambassador.

Former councillor and Colburn farmer Colin Grant has been appointed town manager by Richmond Town Centre Forum.

His prime objective will be to work with the business community on projects to promote the town and help boost the local economy.

A £100,000 grant has been pledged by Yorkshire Forward to spend on projects which are likely to rejuvenate the economy - although Richmondshire District Council, Richmond Town Council and the Richmond Business and Tourism Association have to raise as much again between them.

"The essence of my work will be to focus on projects which will bring hard, economic benefit to the town," said Mr Grant.

"The money is to be made available to part-fund initiatives which help to create jobs, attract new business and support and encourage retailers.

"I'm delighted to have been given such a challenging role. It is a privilege to work in such a beautiful town and I take great encouragement from the many groups of people I have already met who are committed to giving Richmond a brighter future."

Mr Grant reports to the board of the Town Centre Forum, which comprises local business people, the three tiers of local government and local voluntary organisations.

Chairman Peter Warne said: "The creation of a limited company which represents the local community is a new and exciting concept. I am confident, under Colin's direction, we will be able to secure sufficient funding to access the money from Yorkshire Forward and begin to get things done."

Priorities may include the compilation of a town centre action plan, as well as a marketing campaign to attract additional retailers and visitors.

A town centre ranger might also be appointed to welcome visitors, while there are also plans for themed evening walks in Richmond.