A couple who skipped bail and sent a judge a saucy holiday postcard from Spain were back behind bars yesterday.

And the judge who sent remanded them to prison in Stockton had the last laugh, telling them: "The sun doesn't shine at Holme House."

Victoria Ford and boyfriend Glen Mitchell, both 25, disappeared to Benidorm and sent police the naughty Wish You Were Here card saying they'd rather have "sex on the beach".

Miss Ford, from Tarring Street, Stockton, Teesside, had been due to appear at Teesside Crown Court to stand trial on allegations of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assault on a police officer.

Mr Mitchell of Bishopton Road, Stockton, is facing further charges for alleged dangerous driving.

Prosecutor Paul Newcombe told the court in March: "The defendant and her boyfriend have thoughtfully sent a postcard to the police informing them they are in Benidorm and intend staying there until their money runs out."

Mr Newcombe passed the postcard, showing a picture of palm trees fringing a sunny beach to Judge Fox, explaining that the message began: "Hi there, Ronny Biggs here."

It added cheekily: "Well, mouth's a bit dry need sex on the beach." Mr Newcombe added with a grin on his face: "The mention of sex on the beach is, I understand, a reference to a popular song.

"And the message finished, Adios Amigos. See you when we get back to England, Glen and Vicky."

Mr Newcombe said the card had been the response to an earlier phone call made by Mitchell to police.

Tim Roberts, for Miss Ford, said in court yesterday: "She failed to appear in court in March for which she has no reasonable excuse."

Nigel Soppitt, for Mitchell, added: "Mr Mitchell was in Benidorm from where he sent a card to police officers. He has no excuse for his non attendance at court."

Judge Les Spittle adjourned proceedings and detained the couple in custody, saying he had no intention of giving the pair the chance to return to Benidorm just yet.