POLICE and search and rescue teams were last night hunting for a 41-year-old man who disappeared from his family home after a row with his wife.

Peter Mitchell has not been seen since Sunday, when he left his home in Morley Crescent, Kelloe, south-east of Durham City, at 11pm.

He was last seen walking towards an old quarry near Kelloe.

Concern is growing for the welfare of Mr Mitchell after it was revealed that he may be in a depressed state.

Yesterday, police dogs and a spotter plane joined about 30 search and rescue volunteers to continue the hunt for him.

Mr Mitchell, who walks with a limp, has not been able to work full-time since injuring his leg in an industrial accident.

He is described as 5ft 10in, with blond hair and an average build. He has a fair complexion and was last seen wearing a blue zip-up coat and dark tracksuit bottoms, and a pair of flip-flops.

Acting Inspector Paul Etherington, of Durham Police, said: "Mr Mitchell appears to have vanished off the face of the earth, but we are leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to find him."

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Mr Mitchell is asked to contact Durham Police, on 0191-386 4222.