INQUESTS were held yesterday into the deaths of two railway workers struck down by asbestos-related diseases.

In inquests at Darlington police station, Coroner Colin Penna heard evidence about the two men, who had both worked at the North Road Railway Works in Darlington.

David Weston, 60, of West Crescent, Darlington, died in in hospital last October.

Following an autopsy and tests the cause of death was given as malignant mesothelioma, caused by exposure to asbestos earlier in life.

His former wife, Carol, said Mr Weston made a statement to his solicitor because he believed he was exposed to asbestos while working at the North Road site in the 1960s.

Mr Penna recorded a verdict of death from industrial disease.

The second inquest was on Clifford Field, 75, of Parkside in Darlington, who died in Darlington Memorial Hospital on January 3.

As well as working at the North Road works, Mr Clifford was a newsagent and a storeman at a factory in Darlington.

Mr Field believed he had been in contact with asbestos, which caused his mesothelioma, at the North Road works.

A verdict of death from industrial disease was recorded.