POLICE in Derwentside have issued two separate warnings to the public after a number of break-ins.

Sergeant Tony Avery, temporary crime desk manager at Consett police station, said a number of radios had been stolen from cars and there had been an increase in sneak-in thefts from homes due to insecure doors.

Peugeot 106 cars seemed to have been particularly targeted but it may be coincidence that owners of the cars had not taken measures to secure radios properly.

Sgt Avery said there had been four incidents of thefts from cars in the Stanley area in the past few weeks.

He warned people to ensure their house doors were locked while they were in the garden.

He said: "We've had two or three items taken from homes across the district where thieves have sneaked in through an insecure rear door. They usually take items within reach of the door, for example, somebody left a wallet on the kitchen table and that was taken."