THERE will be a chance to travel back in time at an event in Hartlepool this weekend.

An archaeology open day is to be held at Summerhill, off Catcote Road, from 10am to 4pm on Sunday.

Organised jointly by Tees Archaeology and staff at Summerhill, there will be a variety of activities for the whole family.

These include demonstrations of Fifth Century costumes, crafts and combat taking place throughout the day by living history groups Axholmr and Rent-a-Peasant.

Weather permitting, it is hoped to have a display of bronze casting and there will also be a chance to observe an archaeological dig, which is taking place on the Summerhill site where the remains of a Romano/British settlement were uncovered some years ago.

There will also be storytelling sessions, games and a chance to dress up in costumes from the time.