A NEW corporate image is being lined up for Yarm - with a park and ride scheme being flagged up as central to the venture.

The Preston Park site could be earmarked, with a regular bus service into Yarm in a bid to combat the town's chronic parking problem.

A major package of measures would be implemented in a strategy to establish Yarm as one of four "gateways" to Stockton and make it more people-friendly.

Town councillors are being asked for their views to get the ball rolling, with the first meeting in the process being held on Tuesday.

Improvements already suggested include:

* Pedestrianisation around the town hall.

* More disabled parking bays.

* Pedestrian walkways and better access for wheelchairs and parents with pushchairs.

* Footpaths in Yorkshire stone.

* Vertical grilles around High Street trees.

* Changes to bus routes.

Launching the initiative, Yarm ward Coun Brian Jones told the town council: "This is part of trying to get a corporate image for Yarm. Council officers are identifying areas we could discuss first.

"When we get some idea of what the town council thinks is appropriate, we can take it a stage further and go for public consultation.

"We should be looking across the board at leisure, education, tourism, community facilities and how we can help people enjoy this lovely place."

Coun Jake Dale said: "The trick is to capitalise on the best parts of the old with the best of the new."

Coun Jones said in the past there had been no vision of what the High Street should be, with work carried out piecemeal: "But new measures must mean that access for the disabled and families is no longer a nightmare or a battle."

Coun Dale said Yarm had no focal congregating area, just a series of "happy accidents."

"We need to think big," said Coun Jones. "Start with the end in mind." He said much of the town's congestion was caused by buses using the town hall area as a turning circle.

"Let's talk about them going right through the town and turning at the roundabout," he said. "Or even different routes to serve more people."

Coun Jones said the Government was keen to bring back life to the river and one idea was that Yarm be one of four gateway sites to the borough, with the Tees as an inducement for visitors.

"From there they see the town hall in an attractive setting and the corporate identity comes through," he said.

Coun Gwen Porter raised the thorny question of parking: "We can't cope without new provision," she said.

Coun Peter Monck agreed. "This is a fundamental problem. There is not enough parking for the people who live and work here. The bottle is full."

Coun Jones said the borough was looking are certain options which would be presented to the council in due course.

"We need to be looking at park and ride," he said. "Preston Park could be used with buses to and from Yarm on a regular basis."

Engineer Joanne Roberts said consultants were already looking at parking and the High Street