by Robin Twizell

RMD (Agriculture)

OLD crop wheat prices have fallen back again as most end users have bought what they wanted. New crop prices have, however, remained in a very narrow trading range in the region of £62 ex-farm for November wheat.

Oilseed values have improved a little after their falls of last week. Some of this improvement is because the demand for oilseeds for bio-diesel could mean that industrial rape on set-aside may not meet demand and so commercial rape will have to be used.

Thursday's prices

Kenneth Wilson, Thorpe Arch. - Wheat: June £61; July £62; Aug £56.50. Barley: June £57; July and Aug £54. Oilseed rape: June, July and Aug £134.

GrainCo, Tyne Dock. - Wheat: July £63; Aug £56.50. Barley: July £57; Aug £55. Oilseed rape: Aug £134