A BELLRINGER will set out in a self-built plane to ring church and town hall bells in Britain's furthermost corners.

David Barraclough will embark on the mission at 8am next Saturday when he will ring a quarter peal of Plain Bob Major on the bells at Berwick Town Hall.

Then, the Mayor of Berwick will provide an official send-off as Mr Barraclough and RAF navigator Mark Philipson set off on a bellringing trip the length of the country.

They will finish their whirlwind day, having rung at both Lowestoft in Suffolk and Sennen in Cornwall, with a quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles at Landewednack, in Cornwall, at 8pm.

The challenge is aimed at raising money to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis, which Mr Barraclough's granddaughter, Courtney, suffers from.

Mr Barraclough, of Rennington, near Alnwick, North-umberland, will also donate ten per cent of the proceeds to the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association of Church Bellringers' bell restoration fund.

An association spokesman said: "Many bellringers are prepared to ring four quarter peals in a day, each lasting up to 45 minutes, but David is the only man in the North-East who could even attempt to ring them in Berwick, Lowestoft and Cornwall on the same day. The logistics involved are a nightmare.