THE mother of a young man who disappeared after going to a nightclub with friends has made an emotional appeal for him to get in touch.

Christopher Shaw was last seen in Stockton High Street at 2am, on Sunday, waiting for a taxi.

He had been in the Zanzibar nightclub with a group of friends he has known since school.

His mother, Donna Shaw, said there was no reason for her son to go missing.

She said: "There are no problems at home, and there has been no falling out with friends.

"He's not moody or bad tempered. It is totally out of character. He is a happy-go-lucky young man who is doing well at work and has plenty of friends."

The 18-year-old, who lives in Thistle Road, Stockton, with his parents and older brother, Anthony, works as a shipping clerk at Graypen, in Billingham. He has failed to show up at work.

Mrs Shaw said: "He loves his job. He is in line for promotion and has a bright future. He was talking about doing a degree while at work.

"There is no logic to what has happened. All we want is for him to come back safe and well.

"Please, if anyone knows where he is, or Christopher, if you are reading this, please, please get in touch. We just want you back."

On Tuesday night Cleveland Search and Rescue and a police air support unit carried out a four-and-a-half hour search of the route Christopher may have taken to walk home, but it drew a blank.

A search of the River Tees and a full-scale search of Stockton High Street have also failed to find any clues.

Inspector Eric Robinson said: "This is totally out of character and we are not aware of any reasons why Christopher might have gone missing. Concern is growing for his welfare."

Christopher is 5ft 8in, of medium build and clean shaven with short blond hair.

When last seen he was wearing a white Lambretta shirt with blue and red stripes on the sleeve, black trousers and black shoes.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact police on (01642) 326326.