POLICE and education chiefs launched an investigation yesterday after a ten year-old girl alleged she had been struck on the face by her headteacher.

The girl's mother is refusing to send her back to Sunnybrow Primary School, County Durham, following the alleged incident, which came during a walk near the end of a five-day field studies trip to Middleton-in-Teesdale last week, led by headteacher Geoff Swinton.

The mother called police after she noticed swelling on the side of her daughter's face when she returned home from the £62-a-head visit on Friday.

She says she was worried because her daughter has suffered from epilepsy in the past.

Another parent has outlined a number of concerns about the trip to school governors, including an allegation that girls in the 25-strong party were punished for talking in their dormitory by being made to stand outside in the corridor in their nightwear.

Durham police and education authority Durham County Council both confirmed last night that an investigation was under way.

Trained child protection officers spoke to the ten-year-old and her mother yesterday afternoon.

The mother said: "She is not returning to the school. She is due to leave at the end of term, but she can't face going back."

Mr Swinton refused to comment last night.