BURGLARS are becoming more active during the day because security-conscious householders are doing more to protect their homes at night.

Police are warning of an increase in walk-in thefts in east Cleveland.

PC Steve Drabik, Langbaurgh crime prevention officer, said: "During summer, homes are vulnerable because doors and windows are left open - often while the householder is around.

"It is sad, but thieves who carry out such thefts are often part of the community. They know where neighbours leave bags and purses and are only too happy to slip them into their own pockets."

PC Drabik urged people to keep valuables out of sight and to avoid having large amounts of cash in the house.

"The opportunist thief does not knock and can be in and out of the house in seconds.

"Thieves look for easy targets. If obstacles are in their way they will wander on. The answer is simply shut up your home and you will shut out this type of crime," he said.