VILLAGERS are calling for a speed limit to be introduced on a notoriously dangerous road, on which a woman driver died last week.

There was a spate of road accidents across the region at the weekend, believed to have been caused by heavy rain.

But residents of Kirk Merrington, near Spennymoor, say the weather is not always to blame, and that action must be taken to improve safety on the B6288.

Last year, police were called to six accidents in which people were injured on theroad between the village and Spennymoor, which is just over two miles long.

So far this year there have been three accidents, including last week's.

On Friday afternoon, 50-year-old Muriel Taylor died after her Renault Laguna was in a collision with a Peugeot 206 on a bend in road at Vyners Close.

The married mother of two was travelling from her home in Merrington Close, in the village, to work at the Woolworths store in Spennymoor town centre.

A resident, who did not want to be named, said: "Something needs to be done quickly, there should be a speed limit and cameras to cut the chance of accidents.

"Police statistics only show the accidents that they attend, when someone has been injured, there are countless more.

"It's awful that someone has lost their life on the road, hopefully it will never happen again."

The driver of the Peugeot involved in the accident, a man from Eaglescliffe, near Stockton, was treated for head and chest injuries at Darlington Memorial Hospital and has since been released.

Sedgefield Borough Councillor Bill Waters, who represents the Middlestone ward, which covers Kirk Merrington, supports villagers' calls for safety measures.

He said: "It is an awful road. A lot of drivers go way too fast and struggle to negotiate the bend.

"I know Durham County Councillor Ernie Foster has campaigned to improve safety on the road, and double white lines were introduced to slow drivers down, but more needs to be done.

"A speed limit of 30mph or 40mph, with cameras to enforce it, would certainly help to control the problem."

Durham County Council, which is responsible for highways, declined to comment pending investigations into the accident.

Anyone who witnessed the accident is asked to call Durham Constabulary Accident Unit on 0191-3752159.