A Darlington shopping centre was immersed in a sea of balloons and bubbles yesterday, thanks to the antics of Kellar and His Krazy Kart.

The entertainer launched Queen Street's Jubilee Summer of Fun, a series of performers entertaining children until the end of August.

Stilt-walkers, clowns, balloon-modellers, magicians and ventriloquists are all scheduled to perform walkabouts throughout the day, while face-painters will also be on hand.

All the entertainment is free but the face-painters will be collecting contributions for St Teresa's Hospice.

A spokeswoman for Queen Street said: "We've done summer fun events for the past two or three years.

"I know the problems faced by mothers, grandmothers, parents and guardians when it comes to entertaining children during the school holidays.

"We just want to provide the odd quarter-of-an-hour of entertainment and put a smile on people's faces.

"We have a tag line which says we are the friendliest shopping centre in Darlington - this is one of the ways in which we try to be friendly."

Rory Fleming, Queen Street's recently-appointed centre manager, is adamant that poor weather conditions will not detract from the enjoyment.

He said: "Whatever the weather, Queen Street's Jubilee Summer of Fun will bring sunny smiles into the centre."

Performing in Queen Street this week are Trumble the Stilt-walking Clown tomorrow and Magina the Magicienne on Friday.