Magician Paul Daniels had better watch out - firefighter Jonny is learning some new tricks inside the Big Brother house

The final four have been set a mini-task by Big Brother to keep them busy during their last days together. They have to master a variety of seaside acts before finishing with a barbershop quartet performance of the song Mr Sandman.

From a list of four options, the joker from County Durham volunteered to learn magic tricks, while Alex plumped for the accordion playing.

The girls drew lots, meaning Kate will learn plate spinning and Jade has to get her tongue round ventriloquism.

The group has until Tuesday evening to perfect their tasks. If they succeed, the housemates will be treated to a themed beach party.

That will undoubtedly involve alcohol. The routine for the final few days imprisonment seems to be too little sleep and too much booze.

They are having such restless nights that Jonny was still asleep at 12.30pm yesterday when the weekly shopping was delivered.

That followed another sleepless night. They went to bed before 1am, but failed to drop off. They were all sitting up and chatting about their various causes of insomnia an hour-and-a-half later.

Jonny joined Jade in the living area, complaining of incessant itching. "It must be the feathers in the duvet," he reasoned.

By 3.40am, Jade had retired to the bedroom, while Jonny was snacking with Kate and Alex in the living area.

"Kate, I'm worried sick about going on Friday," admitted Jonny, about the Big Brother final at the end of the week.

That did not stop him tucking into a burger. "Pig - you've just had your dinner," said Kate, only for him to reveal: "And I had some chocolate."